martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010


 Nothing starts if everything has a reason and a meaning and Cuisine is no exception in this case.. Perhaps it is still too new to have already its own history, but if that is their starting points very marked. To understand, one must know their roots, where born, it appears, that is why we have to stop for a moment in the Nouvelle Cuisine and Fusion Cuisine for understanding what it wants to reach with this new culinary movement apparently have an important place in the history of the kitchen.


It was during the last years of the sixties where science pervaded everything and progress was becoming. . The abundance of this time reflected his distinction in the thinness of the people, changed the stereotype of a woman more beautiful round lines, a much more slender silhouette, deep down it was to be a change in the food basically motivated by the distinction between good and healthy.
. In 1970 two French food critics, Henry Gault and Christian Millau, launched the Nouvelle Cuisine name to identify a new current promoted by young chefs who were beginning to break free of what they considered routine and rigid rules imposed by Escoffier for the big kitchen or restaurant kitchen, among whom were Michel Guerard and Paul Bocuse, who eventually would be the most representative.
They argued that the kitchen should be less rich, proposed the use of less fat, more freshness and natural taste of ingredients, especially vegetables that were cooked al dente, the fish also had served more firm, wanted substitution replacing them with cream flour to thicken sauces, use of ingredients, essences and spices unusual for that time and the release of their use, they accepted the introduction of ingredients and Eastern practices and paying close attention to presentation, or better, the decoration of the plate that led to the table.
  In practice, in addition to those principles more or less justified, said the use of large-diameter dishes to give more importance to the arrangement and decoration of the plates, step accepting the use of hands for handling food went to the table with emphasis on hygiene, and including drawings made with sauces and the use of ingredients, flowers, vegetables, raw or cooked, in small quantities and independent of the preparation itself, but even came to join the name of the dish on the menu, although they were not to eat. It cut the banquet format legs cooked whole and laid on the table or where the Maître to juggle few crêpes flambé or to carve a duck came to the table whole, this was going to be more fair than restaurant.
  It gave undue emphasis on the influence of food on health at the expense of taste, the pleasure of eating, which became the villain for health.Between 1970 and 1976, significantly increased stores of natural products and dietary supplements, as well as gain a moment's essentially food restaurants vegetarian.
. La nouvelle cuisine, as a movement soon lost strength, but if left influences, perhaps the most important release of the chefs what they regarded as restraints or limitations of the strict rules of Escoffier, which has brought benefits but has been taken over beyond the limits for the less capable than under the protection of innovation and distinction in the rush to be first to innovate in any way, bring to the table prepared mediocre or not sufficiently tried and tested in the kitchen, using final the diner as a guinea pig. t. Another noteworthy point is the rediscovery of the body, where taste becomes as important as hearing, sight or touch, giving it a higher value in having good taste buds and a subtle taste, making a real difference between a gourmand and a gourmet experience.
Furthermore, France as a good seller of its products exported this type of cuisine native to the best cooking schools in the world, becoming the theoretical basis of new litters of cooks, or at least to set out a better approach long term.
. In short this release was at once the best and the worst thing that left the nouvelle cuisine, as integral movement, would become only a memory that would remain on the palate of many, but sin that he forgot that the food is pleasure also essential need for humans.